21st November 2024, marked the Project-Based Learning Culmination Day at BSS F 7/3 for grades III, IV, and V, which… Continue reading Project Based Learning-Culmination Day
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The last day at school is always nostalgic and carries with it a variety of feelings and emotions. Students at BSS F 7/3 shared overwhelming comments as a token of love and appreciation for teachers and school, thus acknowledging their efforts in making them groom as good human beings. #bkif73 #BssOnTop #BSSOfficial
PBL Field Trip of class VIs to NARC
Educational Field Trips always play a pivotal role in imparting a real-world perspective to learners. As part of their Project-Based Learning journey on the topic of “Re-Imagine Farming!”, our holistic and inquisitive learners of grade VI visited National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), where they got the opportunity to broaden their learning paradigm by visiting Cereal Milling Laboratories, National Insect Museum and various Greenhouses to keep them abreast about the modern farming practices for crop propagation.
Glimpses of Field Trip of class IVs to Lok Virsa -2023
Awareness Campaign by Grade VIs as their PBL learning
“We have a single mission to protect and hand over the planet to the next generation.” – Francois Hollander
This term, Class VIs are working on their PBL project named “Natural Disasters” . The project aims to raise awareness about the impact of Global warming caused by Human Activities.
Awareness campaigns can address groups of people in a region affected by a particular climate threat, groups of stakeholders, the general public, etc. The ultimate aim of such campaigns run by the Students is to achieve long-term lasting behavioural changes in the Community.
The Floods in Pakistan followed by Bake Sale for the flood victims initiated curiosity and marked as an Entry Event for Grade VI to commence with the process of Project based learning on the topic “Natural Disasters.” They embarked on the journey of research,investigation, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking with the following driving question; “How can humans mitigate the impact of natural disasters for better survival?” For an indepth study into the impacts of floods Ms.Tahira who is a WHO representative provided valuable information via an interactive virtual session organised on Wednesday 2nd November,2022 . The students got relevant authentic data followed by asking pertinent questions to further strengthen their inquiry on the driving question. Stay tuned for further update on the process till students find a solution!
Today, Beaconhouse School System celebrated its 47 years of excellence. It has always strived to develop an inclusive, comprehensive and broader educational system equipped with the most modern pedagogical approaches whilst bringing constructive benefits to its students, community and the wider world. It was a day to realize how far Beaconhouse has embarked on the journey of success, laurels and progress. Wish you more years of glory and splendor! Happy Birthday!
A Parent Teacher Meeting at Beaconhouse F 7/3 was organised on Friday, 28th October 2022 to uprise parents of their child’s academic and non- academic performance, thus fostering holistic development. It provided an opportunity to the parents to get an update on their child’s progress, shared concerns and received a way forward by the respective teachers. To epitomize parents experienced a precise, concrete and rational feedback of their child.
بیکن ہاؤس ایف سیون تھری پرائمری اور مڈل کیمپس میں خاتم النبییین رحمۃ اللعالمین حضرت محمد ﷺ سے عقیدت و محبت کے اظہار کے لئے ایک بابرکت محفل کا انعقاد کیا گیا۔طلبہ و طالبات نے حضورﷺ کی خدمت میں نعتوں کا نظرانہ بڑے ذوق و شوق سے پیش کیا.
جماعت پنجم گرین اور پرپل کے طلباء نے موضوع “محاورات کا استعمال” سے متعلق سرگرمی میں ذوق و شوق سے حصہ لیا ۔