In the age of technology, books have become nearly extinct. People find it convenient to make do with online materials but the importance of books and reading should not be forgotten. In Beaconhouse, we understand the importance of books and libraries for our students to nurture their mind and enhance their knowledge. We encourage them to become avid readers. In this regard, BSS Kindergarten Campus 1, celebrated Library Week from 3rd October to 7th October,2022.
There were a variety of activities planned such as bookmark making activity, grandparents’ story telling session, character parade and the most popular: the fairytale teachers’ enactment.
Students came in their favorite fantasy characters’ costumes and did a ramp walk. Their grandparents were invited to tell stories in which moral lessons were hidden. Students also expressed their creativity in the bookmark making activity. An exciting treat to wrap up the week was the fairytale teacher’s enactment. Teachers of our school were cast as the characters of the classic, ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarves’, and gave an incredible performance which was enjoyed by our students and teachers alike.
It was a delightful week, during which, we also achieved our objective of promoting the importance of books and sowing the seeds of regular reading in our students.