Happiness comes from serving others!


In the words of Albert Einstein –

“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.”

We at the Jubilee Campus believe that it is very important to instill the value of community service among our children from a very early age. These activities help children to develop kindness, selflessness and compassion for the less-privileged members of their community. It also encourages them to become positive contributors to the society by allowing them to improve the quality of life of others. They understand that there is something truly special and rewarding about helping others.

Over the years, our Early Years and Primary Section students have organized and participated in many donation drives with great enthusiasm. These activities have helped them to broaden their view of the world, develop empathy and even leadership skills as they take charge and ownership of these activities.

Through these donation drives, they have collected large quantities of books, stationery items, staple food items etc. for the community. These donations have been collected, sorted and packed by the students themselves and donated to various organizations. A group of our students visited the SOS Children’s Village and spent some valuable time with the children there. Students have donated books and stationery items to the Indus Hospital Children’s ward. Our students have always acknowledged the contribution of the Jubilee Campus support staff and often give them gifts to show their appreciation and love.

Once again, the ambassadors and members of the Dignity Club are organizing a donation drive. The collected items will be sent to an orphanage in Karachi. We are hopeful that our students will participate with the same enthusiasm again.

We also hope that as our children grow older, they should feel inspired to be part of  organizations which are committed to making a positive difference in the lives of others.

“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands — one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” — Audrey Hepburn