Visit to National Museum of Pakistan

Under the transdisciplinary theme ” Who We Are” learners of PYP grade 2 visited ‘The National Museum’ to learn more about their cultural heritage.

To give a brief about the place, The National Museum of Pakistan was built in Frere Hall on 17 April 1950 as a tribute to Sir Bartle Frere. Once the museum was inaugurated the government of Pakistan decided that it wise to constitute an Advisory Council in 1950 with a primary duty to counsel the museum on the issues of enriching its collection through new acquisitions and purchase of antiquities and works of arts. The museum is now located to the present premises (located in Burns Garden, Dr. Zia-ud-din Ahmed Road).

Students observed and discussed various dresses, handicrafts, jewelry, artifacts of different cultures of Pakistan. With this they also gained knowledge about Pakistan’s historical background.
This helped students to understand that even though each one of us is unique and belongs to a different culture, we should appreciate and respect everyone.