Inter Cluster Athletics Tournament

Beaconhouse Garden Town Campus hosted an Inter Cluster Zone-3 Sports (Athletics) Competition for Class (I-VIII) for Boys and Girls on 2nd November.
Following schools participated in the event:
Beaconhouse Garden Town Campus
Beaconhouse 17-G Model Town Campus
Beaconhouse AITC
Beaconhouse Liberty Campus
Beaconhouse 41-A-1 Campus
Beaconhouse 45-I-B-1 Peco Road Campus
Beaconhouse 78-A-1 Peco Road
Competitions included: Hand to Foot Clap , Coordinated High Knee Back Extension Arm and Leg Balance, Cross Hoping , Figure of 8 (Side to Side) , Spot High Knee Run , Single Leg Side Squat , Pushups, & Burpees
Our student Jamal Basit of Claas 7 Silver was able to secure 1st position in “Pushups” Category and made it to the next round. Heartiest congratulations to Jamal & his Sports teachers Mr Falak & Mr Dilber.