Dignity Week at BGTL!


Everyone aspires to live with dignity. Dignity is defined by your self respect, your confidence, and your sense of fair play. Students of BGTL Middle celebrated “Global Dignity Day” with evangelical fervor by engaging in an awareness walk. The students displayed posters and chanted slogans to remind themselves and encourage others to treat everyone fairly, irrespective of their differences, with dignity and respect. Students of Middle school prepared excellent easels in which they expressed their creativity in the form of colorful posters. These posters depicted the universal right of every human being to lead a dignified life. The students also came up with catchy slogans and constructed badges to prompt fellow students to appreciate and respect the dignity of others.

An Intra-Class Dignity Story Writing Competition was held amongst the students of BGTL Middle. Students came up with remarkable write ups. Through this activity, not only students writing skills were polished,also they were able to give way to their thoughts and feelings for the persons who have done tremendous efforts to uplift humanity. They were also awarded with 1st and 2nd positions for this contest. To acknowledge students’ contribution and achievement, all the winning stories were displayed as a metaphor of a dignity tree.

“Dignity does not float down from heaven, it cannot be purchased nor manufactured. It is a reward reserved for those who labor with diligence.”
” said Bill Hybels.
Global Dignity Day is an annual celebration around the world on the third Wednesday of October to encourage everybody, wherever to understand what dignity is and how they can work for and secure the dignity of others through activities i e morning assemblies, short stories and Dignity walk.
BGTL Middle School students celebrated GLOBAL Dignity Day by performing a skit and an amazing mime in their morning assembly to make everyone realize that each citizen living in this world has their rights and deserves respect.
Students also appreciated and acknowledged the efforts of Custodial staff by making thank you cards for them to show love and affection. Custodial staff was being valued and respected for what they are.
Treating other people with dignity means treating them the way we’d like to be treated ourselves.
As Nelson Mandela once said ”No power on this earth can destroy the thirst for human dignity.”
At the end of the assembly Headmistress of Middle School Ms. Fatima Ahtram took pledge from the students to be responsible towards the people and the environment. Students pledged to believe in dignity.