“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel,” said Carl W. BUECHNER. To unravel the hidden talents of little orators, Beaconhouse School System Johar Town Junior Branch held an Inter Branch Speech Competition on Thursday, 28th November 2024. In this event, 25 participants of Kindergarten level from different branches took part to deliver their speeches on the topic “Magic of words” in English or on “Naiki ka safar” in Urdu. 2 participants out of these 25 were from Johar Town Junior. The event hosted children, teachers and parents from other branches as well. The chief guest for the competition was Ma’am Atiya Randhawa who has been associated with BSS for over a decade now. Each participant was well prepared and presented the speeches in their own unique style. Some students even had props to show during their speech while a few students had the attire of a magician to enlighten their speech. The students showed how much potential children have. The event began with recitation and translation of verses from Holy Quran followed by the National Anthem. Our school head Ma’am Shakeeba Latif gave the opening notes to formally begin the day, the speeches continued after it. Then the school choir consisting of Kindergarten students presented a song to entertain the audience till the judges finalized the results. The winners were announced after Ma’am Atiya Randhawa delivered an ending note to the event adding some valuable insights to all of the audience. A total of 12 participants won different positions, 6 for English and 6 for Urdu where 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions held two finalists in each respective category. The participants were given participation certificates and goody bags while the winners also received trophies. Refreshments were served to the guest teams, teachers and parents at the end of the event. Attached are some pictures to give a glimpse of the event.
Inter-Branch Speech Competition