Some useful tips for Gross motor skills.


Gross motor skills are abilities that let us do tasks that involve large muscles in our torso, legs, and arms. They involve whole-body movements. We use gross motor skills for all sorts of physical activities like running, hoping jumping, paddle a tricycle, catch a large ball, throwing, lifting, kicking, etc.         




Here are a few of the important benefits of developing good gross motor skills:

•Your child’s confidence and self-esteem may improve the ability to take part in games with other children.

•Regular physical activity can help your child achieve long-lasting good health.

•These activities can have a positive impact on school readiness skills such as reading, writing and sitting posture.

How can you improve your child’s skills?
•Hula-Hoop is a fun way to help your child develop balance, body awareness, and muscular coordination.

•Throw a beanbag into a basket. Involves the whole body -Eye Coordination practice.

•Climb and run: Climbing develops memory, directional awareness, self-motivation, ability to work under pressure and confidence.

Playing Balloon Catch with your child helps them to develop hand-eye coordination and the skills needed to catch a ball later down the track.

Trampoline: Jumping on trampoline helps body & brain to work together to maintain coordination & balance & increase a child’s heart rate, giving them a great workout.

Riding a tricycle help kids develop balance coordination, muscle strength, independence, allowing children to build up confidence while keeping active.