Morning Assembly- Honesty


Honesty is the best Policy.

The morning assembly was conducted by the students of Primary Section. It was based on the moral of Honesty is the best Policy.

The story revolves around a Wise and Intelligent King who was getting old and wanted to appoint a new successor for his throne. He came up with an idea and decided to distribute seeds among some Noble Villagers. King asked them to plant it, take care of it and come back after an year.

Everyone left the Palace with a seed. They excitedly planted their seed and waited for it to grow. As the months passed by the youth of the country was talking about how their plant has grown tremendously beautiful. Among all the youth, there was a young man whose seed hadn’t even sprouted. Although, he used to water the seed every day and did everything to make it grow, the seed would grow. He could hear people talking about their plants. But still, he has nothing.

After an year the Noble villagers were summoned to the palace where they had to display the outcome of their seeds. Except one all the other villagers were having beautifully grown plants.

King started to examine the seeds and went back to his throne. The king said “One year ago, I gave everyone a seed. I instructed you to take the seed, plant it, water it, and bring it back. What you were unaware of, was that every seed I handed out had been boiled beforehand so that none of them were fit to grow! All of you after a year have brought me trees, plants and flowers, born of your dishonesty. The seeds which grew these plants were not the ones I provided you. Therefore, look upon the only honest one among you, this young man, and know now why he deserves to be your ruler.”