My Learning Experience in BEC by Zenab Javed
School is often portrayed as a space where we learn facts and receive knowledge from our teachers, but it’s not… Continue reading My Learning Experience in BEC by Zenab Javed
School is often portrayed as a space where we learn facts and receive knowledge from our teachers, but it’s not… Continue reading My Learning Experience in BEC by Zenab Javed
After being postponed, everyone in the school was extremely excited for the upcoming school elections and even more excited for… Continue reading Campaign Day of The School Election by Muhammad Rayyan Adil
“Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations.” ~ Bob BeauprezParent-Teacher meetings… Continue reading Parent Teacher Meeting
Beaconhouse Educational Complex is the academic center for almost 860 pupils, statistically connected directly to the GT road at the… Continue reading Security at BEC