Election 2022-2023


In its simplest form, leadership is influencing other people to follow. Therefore, anyone who can influence people to follow them has leadership qualities.Leadership happens at all levels within organizations and society, not just among those who work in defined “leadership positions.”Leadership means different things to different people, different cultures, and in different situations. But it is always a multifaceted role.Effective leadership enables followers to succeed. It sets direction, builds a vision, and adapts as circumstances require. Leadership is about mapping out where you need to go to “win” as a team or an organization. It’s dynamic, exciting and inspiring.

To inculcate concept of leadership Student Council 2022-23 is selected after following whole Election procedure.Students took part in whole election procedure with zeal and zest.

Elections continued for about a week.Whole school participated in Elections.Students elected their Prefects.Head Boy,Deputy Head Boy.The whole procedure ended up as wonderful experience.